Module reference

Universal HEP plot defines a universal interchange format of plots used in high-energy contexts.

class uhepp.Graph(x_values, y_values, graphtype='points', label=None, **style)

Representation of arbitrary graph lines or points

The styles can be set or retrieved via properties. While setting an attribute, values are converted to the internal format, i.e. color names are converted to hex. If a style is not set, the corresponding attribute returns None.

The complete set of styles can be retrieved via the style attribute. Unset attributes do not appear in the dict.

Possible styles are:
  • linewidth (float)

  • linestyle (– or - or -, or :)

  • color (matplotlib compliant)

  • makersize

  • marker

Any legal matplotlib color might be used to set color attributes, although the uhepp standard only allows hex string. Internally, all colors are converted to hex strings.

property graphtype

Type of the graph


Name used in the legend of the plot or None


Return the graph object as python native dicts and lists

property x_errors

Return a copy of the x errors

property x_values

Return a copy of the x values

property y_errors

Return a copy of the y errors

property y_values

Return a copy of the y values

class uhepp.HLine(pos, stretch=None, **style)

Horizontal line

property pos_y

The position on the y-axis of the line


Return a uhepp compatible dict/list version

class uhepp.Line(pos, stretch=None, **style)

Representation of vertical or horizontal lines

The styles can be set or retrieved via properties. While setting an attribute, values are converted to the internal format, i.e. color names are converted to hex. If a style is not set, the corresponding attribute returns None.

The complete set of styles can be retrieved via the style attribute. Unset attributes do not appear in the dict.

Possible styles are:
  • linewidth (float)

  • linestyle (– or - or -, or :)

  • color (matplotlib compliant)

  • edgecolor (matplotlib compliant)

Any legal matplotlib color might be used to set color attributes, although the uhepp standard only allows hex string. Internally, all colors are converted to hex strings.


Position of the line


Start and end values on the parallel axes

class uhepp.PushReceipt(api_url, ui_url, uuid)

A PushReceipt stores the confirmation that a plot has been uploaded to a central server. The object also contains the human-readable web endpoint at the central server.

class uhepp.RatioItem(numerator, denominator=None, bartype='step', error='stat', den_error=None, x_errorbar=True, keep_zero=False, **style)

Representation of an item drawn in the ratio plot

The RatioItem object stores a list of yield names for the numerator and the denominator. The binned sum of all referenced yields is the content of the numerator and denominator of this stack item. Additionally, each stack item object stores style options used during plotting, a bar type defining the representation (step or points) and a method to computed the uncertainty, see Stack.

The styles can be set or retrieved via properties. While setting an attribute, values are converted to the internal format, i.e. color names are converted to hex. If a style is not set, the corresponding attribute returns None.

The complete set of styles can be retrieved via the style attribute. Unset attributes do not appear in the dict.

Possible styles are:
  • linewidth (float)

  • linestyle (– or - or -, or :)

  • color (matplotlib compliant)

  • edgecolor (matplotlib compliant)

  • markersize

  • marker

Any legal matplotlib color might be used to set color attributes, although the uhepp standard only allows hex string. Internally, all colors are converted to hex strings.


See Yield.base()


List of internal yield names used to form the denominator

Uncertainties form multiple yield objects are added in quadrature assuming the statistical uncertainties are independent.


If True, draw points even if y-value s zero


List of internal yield names used to form the numerator

Uncertainties form multiple yield objects are added in quadrature assuming the statistical uncertainties are independent.


See Yield.stat()


See Yield.syst()


Return a uhepp compliant version using dict and lists


See Yield.var_down()


See Yield.var_up()


See Yield.vary()


If True, draw x-error bars spanning full bin width

class uhepp.Stack(content, bartype='stepfilled', error='stat', x_errorbar=True, keep_zero=False)

Representation of a collection of stacked items of the main plot

A stack defines a collection of StackItems. In each bin, the bar heights of all stack items are added and drawn vertically on top of each other to form an overall bar. The items of the stack collection are refered to as content.

A stack can be of different types: “step”, “stepfilled” or “points”. The type defines the plotting type. The default bar type is “stepfilled”.

The error property defnes how the total uncertainty band if the stack is computed. Possible values are: “no”, “stat”, “syst”, “env”, “stat+syst”, “stat+env”, “syst+env” or “stat+syst+env”. Depending on the value, the uncertainty includes the statistical uncertainties of the yield objects, the total systematic uncertinaties of the yield objects, the quadratic sum of all variations of the yield objects, or combinations thereof. Combinations of different uncertainties are added in quadrature. The default error computation method is “stat”.

Content, type and error are accessible via properties.


See Yield.base()

property content

Return list of StackItems


If True, draw points even if y-value s zero


See Yield.stat()


See Yield.syst()


Return a uhepp compatible dict/list version


See Yield.var_down()


See Yield.var_up()


See Yield.vary()


If True, draw x-error bars spanning full bin width

class uhepp.StackItem(yield_names, label, **style)

Representation of an item within a stack of the main plot

The StackItem object stores a list of names referring to yield objects. The binned sum of all referenced yields is the content of this stack item. Additionally, each stack object stores a label and style options used during plotting.

The styles can be set or retrieved via properties. While setting an attribute, values are converted to the interal format, i.e. color names are converted to hex. If a style is not set, the corresponding attribute returns None.

The complete set of styles can be retrieved via the style attribute. Unset attributes do not appear in the dict.

Possible styles are:
  • linewidth (float)

  • linestyle (– or - or -, or :)

  • color (matplotlib compliant)

  • edgecolor (matplotlib compliant)

  • markersize

  • marker

Any legal matplotlib color might be used to set color attributes, althout the uhepp standard only allows hex string. Internally, all colors are converted to hex strings.


Name used in the legend of the plot or None


Return a uhepp compliant version using dict and lists


List of internal yield names merged to form this stack item

Uncertainties form multiple yield objects are added in quadrature assuming the statistical uncertainties are independent.

exception uhepp.UHepParseError

Invalid input data

class uhepp.UHepPlotModel

Empty base class

class uhepp.UHeppHist(symbol, bin_edges, stacks=None, yields=None)

Uhepp Histogram class

The class represents a typical stacked, HEP histogram including the style information and the raw bin contents and its uncertainty. The actual objects is composed of Stacks, RatioItems, Lines and Yield objects.

property atlas

True if the plot is ATLAS-branded


Name of the author of the plot or None


List of bin edges matching the input Yields objects


Collaboration name used to brand the plot or None


Suffix printed after the collaboration name or None


Return a deep copy of the histogram.


Version of the analysis code used to create the plot or None


Plot creation date as an ISO8601 string


Normalize bin height to given width

If not None, normalize the height of the bars/points to the given bin width. This is especially useful if the histogram has non-equidistant bins.


Center-of-mass energy in TeV or None


Custom analysis-specific event selection string or None


Tuple of the plot (width, height) in inches or None


Filename used a title or default name during rendering


Return the rebinned yields for name


Return the rebinned stat uncert for name


Return the rebinned syst uncert for name


List of Graph objects


List of horizontal line objects


If True, merge entries in the overflow bin with last bin

Uncertainties are added in quadrature, assuming the uncertainties are statistically independent.


See include_overflow


Luminosity of the data shown in the plots in 1/fb or None


Name of the software used to create the uhepp data file or None

push(collection_id, api_url=None, api_key=None)

Upload the plot object to a central server


List of RatioItem objects shwon in the bottom panel


If True show the difference in the bottom panel, other show ratio.

If this option is set to True, the bottom panel shows the difference between the numerators and the denominators. Please note, that the property names ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’ are keep for historic reasons, even though the names are not descriptive in this case.

If set to False, the bottom panel shows the ratio.


Fraction of the plot height occupied by the ratio plot or None


Y-axis label in the bottom panel or None


If True, use log scale for the y-axis in the bottom panel


Upper limit of the y-axis in the bottom panel or None


Lower limit of the y-axis in the bottom panel or None


List of subset of bin edges used for plotting or None


Render the universal plot.

The methods return the axes objecft. If the optional argument filename is set, the plot is written to the file.


Render the plot and show it


List of Stack objects shown in the main panel


Text printed below the branding or None

The string can include n line breaks. Each line is printed separately.


Mathematical symbol of the x-axis quantity


Custom key-value tags


Convert to uhepp compliant dicts and lists


Convert the hist to a json-encoded file


Convert the hist to a json-encoded string


Convert the hist to a yaml-encoded file


Convert the hist to a yaml-encoded string


Unit of the x-axis quantity or None


If True, prints unit as [unit] instead of x / unit


List of vertical line objects


Name of the x-axis quantity or None

property version

The version of the uhepp specification


If True, use log scale for the x-axis


If True, custom y_label is appended by ‘ / bin-width unit’


Overwrite default y-axis label in the main panel or None

If the option is None, the default label is “Events / bin-width unit”.


If True, use log scale for the y-axis in the main panel


Upper limit of the y-axis in the main panel or None


Lower limit of the y-axis in the main panel or None


Dictionary mapping internal yield names to Yield objects

class uhepp.VLine(pos, stretch=None, **style)

A vertical line

property pos_x

The position on the x-axis of the line


Return a uhepp compatible dict/list version

class uhepp.Yield(base, stat=None, syst=None, var_up=None, var_down=None)

Collection of yields and uncertainties of a single process

A yield object stores binned yields for a process including underflow and overflow bins. This means the number of bins is the number bin boundaries plus one: n - 1 + 1 (for underflow) + 1 (for overflow) = n + 1.

Additionally, the object stores the statistical uncertainty of each bin. The values stored as uncertainties correspond to the 1-sigma deviations form the central value. Optionally, the yield object can store a precomputed, overall systematic uncertainty for each bin. The central value is referred to as base.

Besides the bin-by-bin statistical and systematic uncertainties, the yield object also provides a way to store binned systematic variations of the base histogram. Variations are identified by a string key. For each key, an up-variation and down-variation can be set as a replacement for the base values. Variations are stored as absolute yields and not as deviations from base. If a down-variation is not set, the up-variation is symmetrized such that the absolute differences to the base values are identical.

The option to store variations can be used during plotting. A total systematic uncertainty can be computed with the “env” option assuming that all variations are independent. Please note that in that case the computed uncertainties are not generally statistically independent between the bins. Alternatively, it is possible to use variations as histogram items in their own right, for example to compare the shape of a variation to nominal.

The class provides overload arithmetic operations. Yields objects can be multiplied and divided by integers and floats. Scaling a yield object will also scale the uncertainties and variations. Two yield objects can also be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided bin-wise. Statistical and systematic Uncertainties are propagated under the assumption that the two involved histograms are independent. If a variation is present in both yield objects, the varied arrays are added, subtracted, multiplied or divided. If a variation is absent in one of the yield objects, the base values are used as a fallback for the arithmetic operation.

Please note that the yields stored in a yield object are “number of events per bin”, not normalized to the bin width. Merging two adjacent bins yields a bin with the sum of the two yields. Normalizing the yield to the bin width, should happen during visualization.

The class is intended and well-suited for specific use-cases. The following is a list of limitations what this class cannot do:

  1. A yield object does not store the bin boundaries. This means a standalone yield object, i.e. a yield object without binning information or a UHeppHist, does not make sense.

  2. When adding variations or using arithmetics, only the number of bins is checked not the actual binning. Mismatching bin edges lead to nonsensical results.

  3. The class does not provide a way to construct the yield arrays. For example, use numpy.histogram() instead to convert an array of events to a histogram.

  4. The variations cannot store an uncertainty. This is assumed to be a secondary effect. If an uncertainty is required, assess whether taking the statistical uncertainty of the base yield instead is applicable.

  5. The class does not store process names or style information. This is handled by a UHeppHist object.

  6. Asymmetric statistical and systematic uncertainties are not supported. The up- and down-variations, however, might be asymmetric.

  7. Except for adding variations, Yield objects are considered to be immutable.

add_var(var_name, var_up=None, var_down=None)

Add a new variation or set yield of an existing variation

If var_up (or var_down) is None, the var_up (or var_down) dict is left untouched. If a variation exists, it is overwritten.

property base

List of base yields of the process including under- and overflow


Return an iterator for the tuples of (name, up, down)

rebin(orig_edges, new_edges)

Return a rebinned version of the yield object

Merged bins are added for the base yield and variation yields. The statistical and systematic uncertainties of merged bins are added in quadrature. This is only correct, if the statistical and systematic uncertainty is not correlated between bins.

property stat

Return the binned absolute, statistical uncertainty of the process


Return the sum of all base bins

property syst

Return the binned precomputed systematic uncertainty of the process


Return a uhepp compatible dict/list version


Return the total sum of yields of all bins for base and variations


Return the binned, down-varied yield for the given variation

If the variation is present in the down dict, return that variation. If the variation is only present in the up dict, compute and return the up variation as a symmetrized variation. If the variation is not present in neither dict, return base.

property var_down_names

List of variation names present as down variation


Return the binned, up-varied yield for the given variation

If the variation is present in the up dict, return that variation. If the variation is only present in the down dict, compute and return the down variation as a symmetrized variation. If the variation is not present in neither dict, return base.

property var_up_names

List of variation names present as up variation

property variations

List of variation names present as up and/or down variation


Returns the yield given a dict of variation pulls.

The keyword arguments must be of the form variation_name=pull_value. The pull_value defines the direction and amount of a variation. If pull_value is 1, the var_up yields are used, if pull_value is -1, the var_down yields are used, if the pull_value is 0 (default for not listed variations) the base yields are used.

For any other value, the method interpolates between the variations.

A variation passed to the method which is not found in var_down nor var_up is not an error. It will not effect the return value.

uhepp.from_caf(sample_folder, path, cut_stage, variable, include_bins=False)

Create and return a Yield object from a histogram in CAF.

The base yield and statistical uncertainty are copied from the TH1F returned by the sample folder.

Under and overflow bins are considered.

If the include_overflow argument is True, the return value is a tuple of yield object and bin edges.

The from_th1() method does not provide a method to set the total systematic uncertainty or variations.

uhepp.from_coffea(coffea_hist, stacks=False)

Convert from coffea, return lists of UHeppHist and lists of datasets

The first argument must be a coffea histogram object. If the optional stacks argument is True, the method populates the stacks property using all samples as individual StackItems.


Build and return a UHepPlot from uhepp compliant dicts and lists


Build and return a UHepPlot from a uhepp compliant JSON or YAML file


Build and return a UHepPlot from a uhepp compliant json file


Build and return a UHepPlot from a uhepp compliant json string

uhepp.from_th1(base_th1, var_up=None, var_down=None, include_bins=False)

Create and return a Yield object from a ROOT TH1 object

The base yield and statistical uncertainty are copied from a TH1 object given as first object. Optionally, var_up and var_down dicts with variation name and TH1 mapping are used to extract he variation yield.

Under and overflow bins are considered.

If the include_overflow argument is True, the return value is a tuple of yield object and bin edges.

The from_th1() method does not provide a method to set the total systematic uncertainty.


Build and return a UHepPlot from a uhepp compliant yaml file


Build and return a UHepPlot from a uhepp compliant yaml string

uhepp.pull(uuid, api_url=None, api_key=None, full_link=None)

Retrieve a UHepPlot from a central server

uhepp.pull_collection(collection_id, api_url=None, api_key=None)

Retrieve a collection of UHepPlot from a central server


Convert the data to pure python list and numbers